When you travel oversea it is important to pack lightly. Give yourself at least 2 days of packing before the leaving date. Try to pack using a bag that fits under an airplaine seats. Always pack a travel documents and other important things such as medication in a luggage that is easily accessable to you. All of the important documents or medication should be pack on top and the less important things on the bottom, this will help ease up the load and give you access to the important stuff fast.
Packing Lists
Some important things to bring when you travel

- Documentation
- Personal Identification
- passport
- Airline, Cruise and/or Train Tickets
- Driver’s License
- Reservation and Confirmation numbers
- Travel Itinerary
- Travel Vouchers
- Address Book
- Guide Book
- Book to read
- Notepad/pen
- Maps
- Insurance Cards/Information (Auto, Health, Travel)
- Money
- ATM Cards
- Traveler’s Checks
- Credit Cards
- Long Distance Card
- Cash
- Clothing
- Shirts - Lots of Tshirt if the traveling destination is warm
- Sweater - If the traveling destination is cold
- Shorts
- Pants
- Swimsuit
- Underwear and socks
- Jackets
- Shoes - a pair of sandals and a pair of tennis shoes
- Pajamas
- Small Towel
- Other
- Camera
- Water Bottle
- Medications
- First Aid Kit
- WristWatch
- Toilettries Kit
- Soap, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste