In most foreign cultures, the noon-day meal is the main meal of the day. Drinks will be a lot more expensive than you think so be sure to ask before you order to avoid a nasty surprise when the bill arrives. Ideally you should obtain foreign currency before you leave on your trip so that you’re not without cash at the destination airport.
If you do arrive without local currency, check around the baggage claim area for an exchange office or window. You can save time by taking care of that first instead of waiting for your luggage. Then walk over and pick up your bags coming around the carousel.
Foreign Language
It always a good idea to learn a few foreign phrases such as “hello” and “thank you” for each country you plan to visit. It’s also helpful to learn to count numbers in the language since you’ll need the information to understand amounts when paying for purchases and services. You’ll greatly increase your enjoyment and comfort in a foreign country if you have a phrase book handy. English is spoken in most large cities where tourists tend to visit but don’t expect older shopkeepers to know much English.
Foreign Language

It always a good idea to learn a few foreign phrases such as “hello” and “thank you” for each country you plan to visit. It’s also helpful to learn to count numbers in the language since you’ll need the information to understand amounts when paying for purchases and services. You’ll greatly increase your enjoyment and comfort in a foreign country if you have a phrase book handy. English is spoken in most large cities where tourists tend to visit but don’t expect older shopkeepers to know much English.