Prambanan Temple is a temple type
construction built in 10th century of unmatched architectural beauty.
Towering up to 47 meters to the clear blue sky of the Prambanan Village,
this temple is a proof of the golden days of the Hindus in Java. This
temple is off 17 km from the Yogyakarta city center and only 10 minutes
walk from the Adi Sucipto Airport in Yogyakarta.
Prambanan Temple has three main temples located in the main court:
Vishnu, Brahma and Siva Temple and abut thousands of status. Those three
temples symbolize Trimurti "the oneness of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu" in
Hindu teaching. Prambanan also boasts reliefs taken from the Ramayana
Ramayana tells the story of Prince Rama and his wife Sinta who was walking in the woods. Rama saw a golden deer in the woods and he intends to chase, but before that he made a cirle around Sinta. Rama told him not to get out of this circle to stay safe. However, the giant king, Ravana persuade Sinta out of the circle, then kidnapped and brought into his palace Sprott of Lanka.
Rama grieving accompanied by the monkey king, Hanuman finally found Sinta in Ravana's palace. The crush of Lanka Rama and Sinta was rescued and returned to the arms of her beloved husband.
As long as you are here we recommend you take as many photos as you want for a beautiful view of the temple that stands firmly and ruins of temples. Admission ticket you purchase is valid for one full day, which means that you can enter and exit at will Prambanan area. That is for the photographer, you can take photos at different times of the days. Interesting right!
In this Prambanan Temple complex we can also find a beautiful park just
for the guests. In this complex, the Ramayana epic dance performance is
held three times in a week, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from
7.30 to 9.30.
Ramayana has been staged for 51 years from July 28, 1961. Initiated by Lt. Gen. (ret) GPH Jati Kusumo to perform it on the open stage south Prambanan. At that time, the goal is to become an attraction for tourists and the President himself is keen to bring Ramayana Prambanan as a step on the stage of Indonesian art and culture to the world. From time to time this colossal staging continues to be improvised and equipped more magnificent. At the time of President Soeharto, precisely in 1989 inaugurated the main stage at Prambanan to the play with the beauty of the temple against the backdrop of the prettiest in Indonesia.
Transportation Access
Prambanan is the nearest city to Yogyakarta and Semarang. Garuda Indonesia, Mandala, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, and several other airlines fly to these cities from Jakarta and other big cities.
From Yogyakarta, you can rent a car to Klaten. From there you can walk to temple Prambanan.
If you are tired of walking, you can use a rickshaw costs around IDR 10,000. And you will be taken directly to the entrance of the temple, not far from the point of ticket purchase.
Ramayana has been staged for 51 years from July 28, 1961. Initiated by Lt. Gen. (ret) GPH Jati Kusumo to perform it on the open stage south Prambanan. At that time, the goal is to become an attraction for tourists and the President himself is keen to bring Ramayana Prambanan as a step on the stage of Indonesian art and culture to the world. From time to time this colossal staging continues to be improvised and equipped more magnificent. At the time of President Soeharto, precisely in 1989 inaugurated the main stage at Prambanan to the play with the beauty of the temple against the backdrop of the prettiest in Indonesia.
Transportation Access
Prambanan is the nearest city to Yogyakarta and Semarang. Garuda Indonesia, Mandala, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, and several other airlines fly to these cities from Jakarta and other big cities.
From Yogyakarta, you can rent a car to Klaten. From there you can walk to temple Prambanan.
If you are tired of walking, you can use a rickshaw costs around IDR 10,000. And you will be taken directly to the entrance of the temple, not far from the point of ticket purchase.
