
Safe and Comfortable Travel Tips When Visiting A City

- April 08, 2018
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When you travel, you will most likely have a safe and problem free travel. However, problem can arise at a time that is least expected.
Here are some tips when you're traveling.

  • Money Belts - A small, nylon-zippered pouch on an elastic belt. It is worn around the waist. make sure you tuck this under your pants. you can also keep some of the important documents here.
  • When someone bump into you (accidently or not) make sure you check all of your pocket and money belt to see if everything is still there.
  • When buying a backpack make sure to get the one that have 2 zipper coming together that way you can lock it.
  • Make sure to tell everyone to return to the last place you all were together if your group get lost or separated from each other. Give a speach about this before leaving for trip.

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When visiting a new city, always walk with confidence and with your head up, since strong body language is usually a deterrent to muggers. You don’t want to look conspicuously like a tourist, so don't flash cash, maps or brochures that will attract attention. Thieves target foreign travelers because they carry expensive equipment (such as cameras) and often wear expensive jewelry. In countries where poverty or unemployment is high, a good watch can be the equivalent of a month's salary. These criminals know that their victims usually will not return to prosecute if they are caught and arrested.

Identity Theft

If you should have your credit card stolen while traveling, you should immediately call and have the card number cancelled before the thief can begin ringing up purchases. Keep the numbers for credit card companies is a separate place in your luggage, and not in your wallet. You can place a rubber band around your wallet which will make it more difficult for a pickpocket to remove it from your pocket without snagging your clothes and alerting you.

Home Security

Don’t change the message on your answering machine and announce that you will be away for awhile; leave it the same as always. Be sure to pack your car in the garage with the door down so it won’t be obvious you are loading suitcases, and have the newspaper delivery and mail stopped so that it doesn’t pile up. Arrange for snow removal or lawn care if you’re planning a long trip; otherwise your house might stand out as an announcement that you’re not home.



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