
Airline Travel Tips For You To Go Holiday

- April 09, 2018
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For long flights across several time zones, consider bringing earplugs (since planes are noisy) and wear comfortable clothing. As your plane is leaving, adjust your watch to your destination's time zone, and begin to take meals and adjust sleep to the new time. You can get dehydrated even in a pressurized cabin which will make you fatigued so drink plenty of fluids.

Take a light jacket or grab a blanket when you first get on the plane, since airplanes can be quite cold, due to the outside temperature as well as the air being circulated inside the cabin. Check in early at the airport and expect delays since the new security measures worldwide are screening passengers much more closely.
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Taxi/Airport Shuttle

You should always bargain with driver of the taxi before entering it, even if it has a meter. Try to use taxis that are referred by the hotel where you are staying. Taxis are an advantage after 1 am when the subway stops running. You can hail a taxi on the street but not within 100 feet of a taxi rank or queue. The easiest way to get a taxi is to find a queue and get in line for the next available one. If you can use the airport shuttle service provided by the hotel or your tour group, you’ll pay far less than a taxi, and feel much safer.

Airline Vouchers

If the airline bumps you off your flight, they will issue a voucher which can be used for a later flight and will be valued at the original ticket cost. If the airline cannot make reasonable substitute travel arrangements for you, you are then entitled to twice the amount of the fare you paid (up to a maximum amount of $400). The FAA requires airlines to issue vouchers or refunds immediately.

Jet Lag

The best idea is to switch your routine of sleeping, work, and meal hours to the time in your destination as your plane takes off. If you’re leaving at 3 pm and it’s 11 pm where you’re going, change your watch immediately to 11 pm. Have the evening meal on the plane and begin the night’s sleep (as if it were 1 am, and not 5 pm). When you land in the morning, don’t go to sleep again at the hotel after checking in. You’ll adjust more quickly if you follow the local clock and have a normal day.



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