Many people always mention when talking about building Borobudur Buddhist temple. In fact, there are many Buddhist temples patterned contained in Yogyakarta, one that is closely related to Candi Borobudur is Tara. The temple is located in Kalibening, Kalasan was built by the same drafter to Borobudur, which Panangkaran. Because it is located in Kalasan area, the temple is more known by the name of Kalasan.
Completed in 778 AD, the temple of Tara became the oldest Buddhist temple in Yogyakarta. The temple, which stood not far from Jalan Yogya Solo was built as a tribute to the marriage Pancapana of Sanjaya Dynasty to Dyah Pramoedya Wardhani of Sailendra Dynasty. In addition as a wedding gift, the temple was also a response to the king's proposal to build a building sacred to the goddess Tara and a monastery for the monks.
Body temple has the appearance that just out in the middle. On the outer surface of the body temple there is a niche decorated with the figure of the god who holds a lotus flower in a standing position. Southeastern part has a chamber in which there is a throne decorated with a lion motif standing on the backs of elephants. The chamber can be entered from the corbel located on the east side.
The roof of the temple is octagonal and consists of two levels. A Buddha statue that depicts humans are on the first level while at the second level there is a statue depicting Buddha Yani. The top of the temple from a square symbolizing Semeru summit with ornate stupas. On the border of the body of the temple with the roof of the temple are heavenly beings flower decoration dwarf entity called Gana.
If you look at detail of the temple, you will also find beautiful reliefs on its surface. For example, relief gods trees and clouds Khayangan who was playing the sounds. The inhabitants of the heavenly brought fiddle, clams and camara. There is also a picture of flower buds, leaves and tendrils. Relief at Tara temple is distinctive because it is lined with ancient cement called Brajalepha, made from the sap of certain trees.
Surrounding the temple are stupas with a height of about 4.6 m amounted to 52 pieces. Although stupas were no longer intact because it was impossible assembled parts intact, you can still enjoy. Visiting temples history of the establishment based on Panagari lettered inscription temple, you will increasingly recognize the severity Panangkaran even had time to build sacred buildings in Thailand.
The temple is also a proof that in the past has been no attempt to reconcile religion with one another. Evidently, Panangkaran Hindu temple built on a proposal Tara Buddhist monks and dedicated to the well Pancapana Buddha. This temple is also becoming one of the holy buildings that inspired Atisha, a Buddhist from India who had visited Borobudur and spread Buddhism to Tibet.
Body temple has the appearance that just out in the middle. On the outer surface of the body temple there is a niche decorated with the figure of the god who holds a lotus flower in a standing position. Southeastern part has a chamber in which there is a throne decorated with a lion motif standing on the backs of elephants. The chamber can be entered from the corbel located on the east side.
The roof of the temple is octagonal and consists of two levels. A Buddha statue that depicts humans are on the first level while at the second level there is a statue depicting Buddha Yani. The top of the temple from a square symbolizing Semeru summit with ornate stupas. On the border of the body of the temple with the roof of the temple are heavenly beings flower decoration dwarf entity called Gana.
If you look at detail of the temple, you will also find beautiful reliefs on its surface. For example, relief gods trees and clouds Khayangan who was playing the sounds. The inhabitants of the heavenly brought fiddle, clams and camara. There is also a picture of flower buds, leaves and tendrils. Relief at Tara temple is distinctive because it is lined with ancient cement called Brajalepha, made from the sap of certain trees.
Surrounding the temple are stupas with a height of about 4.6 m amounted to 52 pieces. Although stupas were no longer intact because it was impossible assembled parts intact, you can still enjoy. Visiting temples history of the establishment based on Panagari lettered inscription temple, you will increasingly recognize the severity Panangkaran even had time to build sacred buildings in Thailand.
The temple is also a proof that in the past has been no attempt to reconcile religion with one another. Evidently, Panangkaran Hindu temple built on a proposal Tara Buddhist monks and dedicated to the well Pancapana Buddha. This temple is also becoming one of the holy buildings that inspired Atisha, a Buddhist from India who had visited Borobudur and spread Buddhism to Tibet.
