Merapi Volcano Museum is built on cooperation between Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta and Sleman. The museum was built in 2005 and inaugurated the use of October 1, 2009. Located Tourism Kaliurang region, between the two main streets towards the Main Gate and Main Gate Boyong Ngipiksari. From Yogyakarta via Kaliurang Street Ngipiksari before the Main Entrance (Bull) turn left, or take the road to the left in front of Panti Asih follow the directions MGM.
Indonesia is a country that lies in the path of the earth plate assembly so that a country prone to earthquakes. In addition, Indonesia also in the ring of fire which has 500 volcanoes in the mountains where there are 129 active status. That number includes 13 percent of the total active volcanoes in the world. That certainly reiterated that Indonesia is located in disaster prone areas. Therefore, it takes a mitigation measures to reduce the number of casualties when disaster struck.
Museum of Mount Merapi as a new tourist rides built in the southern slope of Merapi present to answer it. Sightseeing is designed as a vehicle for sustainable conservation education and the development of disaster science of volcanoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters was unveiled on October 1, 2009 by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Purnomo Yusgiantoro.
Museum which has the motto "Window Merapi Earth" occupies a land area of 3.4 hectares with a building area of 4,470 square meters and consists of two floors. The first floor contains a collection of objects the museum is divided into rooms with themes Volcano World, On The Merapi Volcano Trail, Man and Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami, Disaster Land Movement, Diorama, Hardware Survey, Extra-terrestrial Volcano, and other supporting facilities. While the second floor of the building is used as a screening of Mount Merapi, which is currently still under construction.
Merapi Volcano Museum is located in the southern slope of Mount Merapi, precisely located at Boyong Street, Hamlet Bull, Hargobinangun Village, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.
Transportation Access
Access to the Merapi Volcano Museum is quite easy, this is because the Merapi Volcano Museum is located one lane with Kaliurang tourist area. From Yogyakarta, please you along Kaliurang Street. Approximately 20 km of travel, you turn to the left and follow the road to Kaliurang tourist attraction of the west entrance (Road Boyong). Soon you'll find the entrance to the tourist area of Kaliurang. Please you turn right, the Museum of Mount Merapi is located just down the road.
Travelers who want to visit the Museum of Mount Merapi are advised to bring personal vehicles both cars and motorcycles. This is because there is no public transportation that crosses this museum, so you have to walk about 2 km of Kaliurang Street. However, if you still want to use public transportation, you can ride mikromini Jogja-Kaliurang. After arriving in front of the Oasis Crisis Center, please you down then take a walk down the road.
Museum of Mount Merapi as a new tourist rides built in the southern slope of Merapi present to answer it. Sightseeing is designed as a vehicle for sustainable conservation education and the development of disaster science of volcanoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters was unveiled on October 1, 2009 by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Purnomo Yusgiantoro.
Museum which has the motto "Window Merapi Earth" occupies a land area of 3.4 hectares with a building area of 4,470 square meters and consists of two floors. The first floor contains a collection of objects the museum is divided into rooms with themes Volcano World, On The Merapi Volcano Trail, Man and Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami, Disaster Land Movement, Diorama, Hardware Survey, Extra-terrestrial Volcano, and other supporting facilities. While the second floor of the building is used as a screening of Mount Merapi, which is currently still under construction.
Merapi Volcano Museum is located in the southern slope of Mount Merapi, precisely located at Boyong Street, Hamlet Bull, Hargobinangun Village, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.
Transportation Access
Access to the Merapi Volcano Museum is quite easy, this is because the Merapi Volcano Museum is located one lane with Kaliurang tourist area. From Yogyakarta, please you along Kaliurang Street. Approximately 20 km of travel, you turn to the left and follow the road to Kaliurang tourist attraction of the west entrance (Road Boyong). Soon you'll find the entrance to the tourist area of Kaliurang. Please you turn right, the Museum of Mount Merapi is located just down the road.
Travelers who want to visit the Museum of Mount Merapi are advised to bring personal vehicles both cars and motorcycles. This is because there is no public transportation that crosses this museum, so you have to walk about 2 km of Kaliurang Street. However, if you still want to use public transportation, you can ride mikromini Jogja-Kaliurang. After arriving in front of the Oasis Crisis Center, please you down then take a walk down the road.
